Crime Victim Assistance Services

Program uses Language Line (Y/N)
Program staff provide services in other lanuages
Office days/hours
8:30-5 Monday through Friday
Intake days/hours (walk-in)
8:30-5 Monday through Friday
Intake days/hours (by phone)
8:30-5 Monday through Friday
Cost or fee (describe)
Free services to all victims of crime
Victims of crime in Maryland
Program Description

The Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc.  will help you by providing you with information, assistance, and support throughout your case proceedings. They help during all phases of the criminal and juvenile justice systems.

MCRCV can provide you with: 

  • Assistance with using all victims’ rights that apply to you (Victims’ Rights in the Criminal Justice System), including information on Victim Notification: VINE (VINE fact sheet) and DNA Notification (FORM) (Spanish), and Victim Impact Statements
  • Assistance with Financial Issues (Financial Remedies), including Restitution (Restitution Fact Sheet) and Criminal Injuries Compensation
  • Education, resources and training related to victims’ rights laws
  • Legal assistance for victims
  • A court companion during trial
  • Assistance with Financial Issues (Financial Remedies), including Restitution (Restitution Fact Sheet) and Criminal Injuries Compensation
  • Support services including a Peer Support Group for Families and Friends of Homicide Victims, therapeutic counseling and referrals for other related programs and services

To take the first step toward crime victim help, ask a victim advocate about services by calling 301-952-0063. 

Other Topics
Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Se habla Español
Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics

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