Mil Mujeres
Mil Mujeres is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2007 to address the growing need for bilingual legal services for the immigrant community in the United States. Mil Mujeres provides immigration legal services to low-income individuals in the Latino community, with an emphasis on helping survivors of violent crime, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and assault.
Program Details
Legal Services
Program Description:
Mil Mujeres offers immigration legal services to low-income individuals in the Latino community, with a focus on providing immigration benefits to survivors of violent crimes in the United States. While Mil Mujeres main focus is on helping survivors of gender related crimes, they also provide services to other survivors. Areas in which Mil Mujeres provides services include: Asylum, U-Visa, T-Visa, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), Adjustment of Status (Green Card), Work Permits, Naturalization, Defered Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and Family Based Petitions.
Program Contact email: [email protected]
Program Contact Phone: 202-808-3311
Civil Rights: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics, Limited representation, Full Representation
Domestic Violence: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics, Limited representation, Full Representation
Employment: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics, Limited representation, Full Representation
Guardianship: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics, Limited representation, Full Representation
Immigration and Citizenship: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics, Limited representation, Full Representation
Se habla Español: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics, Limited representation, Full Representation
Washington, D.C. 20005
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