Veterans Consortium
The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program provides assistance to unrepresented veterans or their family members.
Program Details
Pro-Bono Appeals Assistance
Program Description:
If you have a denial from the Board of Veterans Appeals, you have 120 days to appeal that decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.
Here at The Veterans Consortium, we can help with your appeal to the Court. We will review your case and provide you with a free attorney if you meet the following criteria:
- You are a veteran (or qualifying family member of a veteran);
- You have received a denial from the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA);
- You do not have an attorney to help you; and,
- We find at least one meritorious issue we can argue before the Court.
Remember, you only have 120 days to appeal a denial from the BVA. See below for more information on appealing to the Court.
Program Contact email: [email protected]
Program Contact Phone: 202-628-8164
Online intake form URL: Appeal Intake Form
Office days/hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Intake days/hours (other): Online intake
Eligibility-residence-county: Nationwide
Pro-Bono Legal Clinic
Program Description:
TVC, in partnership with the Washington, DC VA Medical Center, holds a virtual Pro Bono Legal Clinic for veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors twice a month.
Call (202) 733-3317 to make an appointment
Program Contact email: [email protected]
Program Contact Phone: 202-733-3317
Intake days/hours (by phone): Monday-Friday, 9-5
Eligibility-residence-county: Nationwide
Discharge Upgrade Program
Program Description:
We can review your case, and provide you with a free lawyer, if you meet all the following criteria:
- Discharged under conditions Other than Honorable (OTH) or Undesirable.
- You have a diagnosis of, or exhibit symptoms of, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), or other mental health condition.
- We find at least one meritorious argument to present to the Discharge Board.
Program Contact email: [email protected]
Program Contact Phone: 202-733-3324
Online intake form URL: Online Intake Application
Intake days/hours (other): Online
Eligibility-residence-county: Nationwide
Naturalization Assistance Program
Program Description:
You may qualify for our Veterans Naturalization Assistance Program (VNAP) if:
- You are interested in becoming a U.S. Citizen,
- Have an honorable or General Under Honorable Conditions Discharge, and
- Have a copy of your DD-214
Please contact VNAP to schedule an intake conversation.
Program Contact email: [email protected]
Program Contact Phone: 202-733-3337
Eligibility-residence-county: Nationwide
Women Veterans Pro-Bono Legal Clinic
Program Description:
TVC, in partnership with the Washington, DC VA Medical Center, offers a virtual Pro-Bono Advice & Referral Legal Clinic for Women Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors twice a month. Appointments must be made in order to speak with an attorney free of charge.
This clinic is staffed by female attorneys for women veterans.
Program Contact email: [email protected]
Program Contact Phone: 202-733-3329
Intake days/hours (by phone): Monday-Friday, 9-5
Eligibility-residence-county: Nationwide
Washington, DC 20037
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